Sean BOWDEN, Université Deakin
Discipline : Philosophie
Titre de la thèse : La priorité ontologique des événements dans Logique du sens de Gilles Deleuze
Année de soutenance de la thèse : 2009 | Résumé (PDF)
Contact :
Après des études de philosophie à l’Université de New South Wales, Sean BOWDEN rejoint en 2005 le département de philosophie de l’Université Paris 8 où il soutient un D.E.A. "Lieux et transformations de la philosophie" puis en 2009 un doctorat de philosophie en co-tutelle avec l’Université Deakin sur La priorité ontologique des événements dans Logique du sens de Gilles Deleuze. Il est actuellement Maître de Conférence à l’Université Deakin (Australie).
Formation :
- PhD. in Philosophy (Cotutelle), University of New South Wales, 2010. Awarded the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences’ Best Doctoral Thesis Prize, 2009
- PhD. in Philosophy (Cotutelle), Université de Paris 8, 2010. Awarded with Highest Honours (mention très honorable avec les félicitations du jury à l’unanimité)
- DEA (Diplôme d’Études Approfondies – M.A. equivalent) in Philosophy, Université de Paris 8, 2005. Awarded with First Class Honours (mention très bien).
- BA (Honours) in Philosophy, University of New South Wales, 2004. Awarded with First Class Honours and the University Medal in Philosophy
Expérience professionnelle :
- 2014-present : Lecturer in Philosophy – Deakin University
- 2012-2014 : Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Deakin University
- 2011-2012 : Associate Lecturer in Philosophy – Deakin University
Publications :
- The Priority of Events : Deleuze’s Logic of Sense (Edinburgh UP, 2011).
Edited Books
- Deleuze and Pragmatism (Routledge, 2015 – co-edited with Simone Bignall and Paul Patton).
- Badiou and Philosophy (Edinburgh UP, 2012 – co-edited with Simon Duffy).
Refereed Journal Articles
- ‘Joint Action and the Expression of Shared Intentions : An Expanded Taylorian Account’, European Journal of Philosophy (forthcoming). [Online Early View, 19 Oct 2016.]
- ‘The Intensive Expression of the Virtual : Revisiting the Relation of Expression in Difference and Repetition’, Deleuze Studies 11:2 (2017), pp. 216-239.
- ‘Normativity and Expressive Agency in Hegel, Nietzsche and Deleuze’, Journal of Speculative Philosophy 29:2 (2015), pp. 236-259.
- ‘“Willing the Event” : Expressive Agency in Deleuze’s Logic of Sense’, Critical Horizons 15:3 (2014), pp. 231-248.
- ‘Paul Redding’s Continental Idealism (and Deleuze’s Continuation of the Idealist Tradition)’, Parrhesia 11 (2011), pp. 75-79.
- ‘Deleuze’s Neo-Leibnizianism, Events and The Logic of Sense’s “Static Ontological Genesis”’, Deleuze Studies 4:3 (2010), pp. 301-328.
- ‘Alain Badiou : Problematics and the Different Senses of Being in Being and Event’, Parrhesia 5 (2008), pp. 32-47.
- ‘Deleuze, Leibniz and the Jurisprudence of Being’, Pli (The Warwick Journal of Philosophy) 17 (2006), pp. 98-120.
- ‘Deleuze et les Stoïciens : une logique de l’événement’, Le Bulletin de la société américaine de philosophie de langue française 15:1 (2005), pp. 72-97.
Book Chapters
- ‘Human and Non-Human Agency in Deleuze’, in Hannah Stark and Jon Roffe (eds), Deleuze and the Non/Human (Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), pp. 60-80.
- ‘Tragedy and Agency in Hegel and Deleuze’, in Craig Lundy and Daniela Voss (eds), At the Edges of Thought : Deleuze and Post-Kantian Philosophy (Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2015), pp. 212-228.
- ‘Antirepresentationalism and Objectivity in Rorty, Brandom and Deleuze’, in Sean Bowden, et al. (eds), Deleuze and Pragmatism (Routledge, 2015), pp. 180-198.
- (with Simone Bignall and Paul Patton) ‘Deleuzian Encounters with Pragmatism’, in Sean Bowden, et al. (eds), Deleuze and Pragmatism (Routledge, 2015), pp. 1-17.
- ‘Gilles Deleuze, a Reader of Gilbert Simondon’, in Arne de Boever, et al. (eds), Gilbert Simondon : Being and Technology (Edinburgh UP, 2012), pp. 135-153.
- ‘The Set-Theoretical Nature of Badiou’s Ontology and Lautman’s Dialectic of Problematic Ideas’, in Sean Bowden and Simon Duffy (eds), Badiou and Philosophy (Edinburgh UP, 2012), pp. 39-58.
- (with Simon Duffy) ‘Badiou’s Philosophical Heritage’, in Sean Bowden and Simon Duffy (eds), Badiou and Philosophy (Edinburgh UP, 2012), pp.1-15.
Review Essays
- ‘Alain Badiou : From Ontology to Politics and Back’, Journal of French Philosophy 15:2 (2005), pp. 68-93.